Age: 35, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 1 month, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): The pain is not determined by the time of day however it doesn't hurt while sleeping., Aggravating Factors:: When I get up from sitting still and start walking., Easing Factors:: Nothing, it just comes and goes on it's own., No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: I have had 3 knee surgeries, hysterectomy due to endometriosis
I started getting pain in my lower left back almost where the sciatic nerve is. I originally thought it was that until the pain went to the front of my inner left thigh next to my groin. It's not in the crease of my leg. It's right in the middle between the top muscle on your leg and the groin. It mainly hurts when I get up from sitting and start walking. It will subside while I walk and then come back while I'm walking. It's very strange and the pain effects the way I walk. This has been going on for a month or so. Any ideas?
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