Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 36, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 10 weeks, Aggravating Factors:: exercise, walking about a lot, Easing Factors:: rest, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Hip flexors/adductor rehab
Hi all,
I was on here a while ago moaning about my hamstring/pes/knee tendonitis that looked like it was originating from the sartorius. This came after a physio told me to stretch out some tight hamstrings that set off the reaction, as I had anterior pelvic tilt. Pain on every step when I extended leg backwards. Physio said it was due to very tight hip flexors.
Basically - I have been stretching the psoas & hip flexors & have had my hip joints released. I have a much greater ROM & my Thomas Test is no longer as funny as it was (right leg used to stick up in the air by about 20 degrees). left leg was horizontal. much as the stretching has helped - I no longer have pes anserine pain when walking, but now I have very sore adductor muscles, plus tight hamstrings. Bilateral, with two 'hot spots' about 20cm up from the knee on the medial thigh. The adductors are sometimes fine, then they'll tighten up, I'll feel a pull & they'll loosen. Repeat this about 3-4 times every day & it just doesn't seem to be healing. 10 weeks now. If I ride a bike, the knee attachments of my adductor magnus hurts.
I'm currently trying to rehab these by the following approach...
1. glute activation - clams etc
2. hip flexor stretching
3. quads stretching
4. core work
Is there any other approaches that anyone can think of? Or am I clearly doing something wrong?
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