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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 26, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 8 years, Symptom Behaviour: slightly better, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): worst in the afternoon after work. (~3-7pm), Aggravating Factors:: sitting in a poor position. lack of movement. alcohol beverages. lack of water.stress, Easing Factors:: exercise (occasionally), SLEEP, constant movement, Investigations: XRAY, CT Scan, EMG,, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    This is the first time posting as I found this place out of pure desperation. I'm going to explain my history as detailed as possible from the beginning so bare with me(i apologize in advance for poor grammar):

    2003: I was currently 18 years old at the time. Relatively normal life for a teenage male. Worked at a grocery store (standing) when I wasn't in school. wasin school sports, and lifted weights. It seems within a matter of months Islipped into this horrible pain. It started with horrible low back pain, neckpain, neck, trap stiffness and headaches. I visited chiropractors on and offand massage therapy a few times. They would help for about a day.

    2006: In college pursuing my associates. Still working and attending college full time. Pain is severe. When i come home I have to immediately lay down.making it through my day is my goal in college. pain consists of neck pain often radiated from what seems like my occipitals up past my head to the front.Also have pain and irritation for what seems like “behind” my eye. My eyes are super light sensitive and any loud sound is horrible. This is when I lost my sense of smell as well. Also, had digestive issues, pain in my leg occasionally, frequent pinched nerves in my shoulder (rear delt area). This is when my shoulder pain started. It feels sore in area almost in behind my right lat. Drinking any alcohol beverages puts me in such pain that I want to seriously die. Lower back pain is present.

    2008: in college pursuing my bachelors. By this time, I’ve visited another chiropractor (3rd one) who took EMG’s and other muscular tests on myback. 20+ of my vertebrae were subluxated chronically. The x-rays showed a small sciolosis formation backed by the EMG’s which showed overworked muscles in those area. Went through intense chiropractic (3 times a week) for 9 months. Almost completely fixed lower back by 2009. Was slowly regaining sense of smell. Neck pain and extreme headaches are still present.

    Present: Since I’ve done tons of research on the subject to try to educate myself. I am now an engineer working on acomputer all day. My current activities besides computer work are lifting weights, drumming, yard work, running (cardio work). I’ve previously done mixed martial arts as well. Headaches, and neck pain and stiffness are still present. Shoulder pain behind lat is still present. Every day is a struggle and just sitting wrong for a few hours will cause a flare up which will last for hours or a day or until I sleep it off.

    I have serious knots (I think but LMT doesn’t believe) near my occipitals and LMT and I agree on knots on the bottom of my levator scapula, in my rhomboids, (very close to the shoulder blade), and in my traps (deep). Superficial muscles release quickly but trigger points are solid as a rock and nothing even touches them. I also have a sensitive pain in muscles almost directly below my ears on my neck. I assume they are the connections to the levator or the sternocleidomastoid . Maybe there are trigger points underneath from the scalenes. I don’t know (I’m not a doctor!)

    I also took front, side, and rear pictures of myself and noticed some anterior pelvic tilt, rounded shoulders, and forward head tilt (I’m sure which was spawned by extensive computer work). I’m sure this exercabates the problem.

    I’ve tried acupuncture, consistent massage therapy (2 week interval), chiropractic, physical therapy, foot orthodics, mouth guards for TMJ, pain medication, etc… there is no long term fix so far. Is it as simple as getting those stubborn trigger points released? Should I try trigger point injections? Tens? Ultrasound?

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    Hmm! Posture is definitely one of the core issues of your problem. Especially as it's been a problem over the long term. I'd think for this you might try finding a McKenzie (MDT) trained physiotherapist with a good reputation. The one I'm working with presently has great success with instances such as yours. At the very least, find someone who can really aid you with your posture, stabilizing you in a good one. This requires lots of muscle retraining and counterbalance exercises for those forward flexed postures.

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    Thanks for the response!

    Yes, I agree that the posture is an issue but I'm getting total apathy in regards to doctors about it. They refuse to believe that my posture can cause such issues (This is coming from multiple family physicians, an osteopathic manipulator, and LMT's). Physical therapists have also looked at me and said that my posture is decent. (I tend to disagree but what do I know!)

    I will post pictures of what I'm talking about. Mind you, my posture is bad if relax my body but I an force it into a correct position though (which is how I normally walk)

    Any suggestions for the constant stiff neck and back? I feel like an old man and my trigger points never go away.

    With is different from a MDT than a traditional physical therapist?

    Quote Originally Posted by violablue View Post
    Hmm! Posture is definitely one of the core issues of your problem. Especially as it's been a problem over the long term. I'd think for this you might try finding a McKenzie (MDT) trained physiotherapist with a good reputation. The one I'm working with presently has great success with instances such as yours. At the very least, find someone who can really aid you with your posture, stabilizing you in a good one. This requires lots of muscle retraining and counterbalance exercises for those forward flexed postures.

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    That's very odd! In physio, much of what we do in ortho for neck, back, and shoulder pain, is posture correction. Even with post-surgical patients, posture is often part of the rehab program.

    You can find an MDT practitioner at the McKenzie Institute Website. The McKenzie Institute - Welcome to the McKenzie Institute USA.

    Most physio programs don't teach McKenzie method and if they do, it's just a light brush on the topic. So the knowledge is gained in post-graduate continuing education courses. This usually means, only practitioners taking the course have MDT in their physio treatment toolbox. It is great with all kinds of joint, disk, and muscular pain.

    It's hard to tell if your stiff neck and back is coming strictly from trigger points and posture or also from joint or disk issues. With a neck disk issue, you can have pain radiating into one or both shoulders, and as it worsens, into the hands and fingers. Scalene trigger points can also create a similar radiation pattern. You say you've seen a number of doctors, so I'm assuming they've tested you for various types of arthritis and bone issues?

    And you say none of therapies you've tried so far have released your trigger points. This includes acupuncture in the shoulder area? It is often very helpful in this way.

    My fave book on trigger point release is Clair Davies Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. You'll find many great self-release methods in it. It is a great educational resource.

    Don't give up. Try an MDT practitioner and see if that makes a difference.

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    violablue, when i was in physical therapy, they never mentioned that i had bad posture issues like i described before but yet to me, they seemed to try to treat me for it. they did very specific back only exercises like pull-ups and weighted rows and also things like TENS on my rhombiods, hamstring stretching, glute strengthening, neck/back machine traction. i had been going for months and months (as many as my insurance would allow) with only minimal improvement.

    i've had multiple doctors look at my x-rays and tell me that i'm a healthy person (so much for that)

    i also notice that i have overact neck and back muscles as i tend to flex and use them even when i'm doing activities that general dont' require them.

    there is only one doctor that is an MDT in my area so hopefully insurance will cover it and i'll give it whirl.

    as for the accupuncture, i have had him put pins and needs in my neck (near or on occiptals) on top of my head, my traps, my rhombiods. really he's tried needles in areas all over my back. initially showed signs of improvement, but wore off within a month or two. i was going twice a week.

    thanks for the good replies!!! i need to get this fixed before i go nuts!!!

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    quick update long overdue: i have since moved to savannah, ga for a new job and the search for a MDT was on hold. i am currently going to an osteopath and a chiropractor. Cervical x-rays revealed I have no curvature in my neck. I mean none! straight as an arrow. I'm sure some of this is contributing to my issues. i'm also working on an outflare on my right leg (right foot tends to point outwards).

    i really want to try trigger point injections as nothing else can get rid of my trigger points/knots but I'm having a hard time getting a doc to give me one or even refer me to someone who can! i swear docs just prolong your visits to sap more money from you, even if they know whats wrong.

    does anyone know who I should be seeing for such a seemingly simple process?

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    Re: Chronic Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain (8+ years)

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    The Alexander Technique is brilliant at improving your posture. I used to have a straight neck too, along with forward head posture - but now don't because I took lessons in the Alexander Technique. Definitely worth a try if your problems are posture-related: The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique


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