Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 36, Female, Investigations: x-rays while in hospital is all, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: high blood pressure medicated, Medications: nifedipine and sertraline, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
bimalleolar ankle fracture tendon ligament mobility recovery tips please
Hi, I have a bimalleolar ankle fracture that has been surigically repaired with 2 x two inch long screws in medial malleous and 1 smaller screw in lateral malleous along with a plate for stability held by a further 5 screws along fibular/lateral malleous. This happend nearly 5 weeks ago. I am currently in a camboot after being in a back slab cast for 4 weeks. I cannot get a right angle with my foot as my foot will just not move when i attempt to bring to toes up towards my ankle. Will this improve - i believe it is related to tendons and ligaments. Should I be concerned with the angle of my ankle? My heel does not even touch the base of the camboot to fit it properly. Not sure if I have given you enough info but am happy to add to this if anyone has some thoughts for me. THanks.
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