Brief Medical History Overview
Male, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
8yr old son - brain haemorage then DVT in leg - residual right foot /calve problems
On 1st July (ie about 2.5 months ago) my 8 yr old son had a brain haemorrage - mercifully it was successfully treated...and he came out of that bit very well.
While being treated for the brain haemorrage (they glued the vessels in his brain to stop the bleeding), they entered his through a vein in his groin. Alas he then got a blood clot in his vein in his right leg relating to their entry point.
There was a little bit of left side weakness relating to the heamorrage (which was on the right hand side of his brain), but that seems to have remedied itself...what's had the most impact is the blood clot.
First he couldn't straighten his leg...or put an weight on it whatsoever....after 6 weeks of twice daily blood thinning injectioons, the clot has now all but gone ....he can straighten his leg & walk slowly. But during these past few weeks, his right leg has caused no end of heartache....first his brother fell on his right foot (the sore one), then he fell of his scooter quite badly (we didn't see the accident but he couldn't walk for about 9 days after it), just as I thought it was getting better, I took him swimming (thinking this was gentle excercise). After the swimming we went to the park...and on the way home he started limping. The next day his right foot was in a lot of pain...I just put this down to me overworking it...but it hasn't got that much better in over two weeks now.
I've noticed he is walking on the outer edge of his right foot (with his big toe pointing upwards)....I've established this is because the arch in his foot pad is very sore (ie the metatarsal area)...I took him to the hospital and the X-RAyed his foot & leg (which showed nothing untoward) - if I press the underside of his foot, he really flinches. Also his calf muscles are very sore to press/massage. I've done a lot of googling....and the best I can come up with is that he might have Metatarsalgia, I found this on the net ....
"This condition refers to pain under the ball (front) of the foot when walking. This can be caused by local arthritis, nerve entrapment, excessive pressure on the forefoot, foot imbalances, tight calf muscles resulting in reduced range of motion of the ankle, pes cavus (high arch), pes planus (low arch), poor quality shoes, worn shoes, or poorly fitted shoes, bunions, hammertoes, overuse syndrome, callus formation, and obesity. Many individuals try treat themselves with varying degrees of success, but proper medical evaluation is necessary to develop a treatment plan relieve the symptoms, which if left unchecked, can become chronic."
that's my bold, as his calf muscles are clearly very sore - hardly surprising bearing in mind he hasn't used the leg properly in over 2 months.
Sorry for the long winded story...we have a referral to a physio, but this might be a couple of weeks away and I'm just wondering if there's anything I can be doing in the meantime? (or is there anything else that his foot soreness could be put down to?)
Many thanks,
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