Age: 27, Male, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Aggravating Factors:: constant, Easing Factors:: nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
As a way of background, I follow a weight circuit program (light weights, no power lifting) however it the last month I have noticed a clicking/popping/grating sound and sensation in the rear of my left shoulder.
I am able to reproduce the clicking on queue by rotating my left shoulder.
Having seen many people go through shoulder surgery,I got a little paranoid I stopped doing weights and went to the physio after a fortnight of noticeable clicking.
The physio noted that my left scapular is slightly winged and gave me some RC and scapular stabilizing exercises, however, the clicking is still there.
As there is no pain, I’m not sure how worried I should be about this, and whether or I can continue to do weights?
Having read A LOT a lot about this, some people say clicking is normal, and others say that the clicking is a time bomb waiting to happen.
Interested to hear some professional input
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