I am 42 y.o. female needing help...July 2010 i was injured in accident at the time i never noticed shoulder pain but was in hospital for 8 days then acute rehab facility for 3 weeks due to other injuries. Any way about 2 months after accident and i was home in wheelchair i felt numbness and tingleing in right hand and some muscle weekness in my forearm muscle, but that was intermittant but my shoulder started hurting, not real bad. But advised Dr at the time and she dismissed it as possible carpal tunnel and left it as such, as time went on it was off and on but getting worse, but when got worse, i no longer had a dr or couldnt attent therapy anymore as i my career as a firefighter could not hold my position any longer and they had to let me go which i lost insurance and guess what? noone would see me without money up front..so had no care except going on internet trying to learn and teach myself for my injuries...very slow going but going. Well couple mponths ago i was told to fill oit financial papers through one of our hospital for chairty care which i got at 110%..yippee, and got a dr and he put me therapy asap, already behind almost a year not....But i advised my dr that my shoulder was ner noticed at time of accident but i was so doped up that i couldnt give you exact answers on any pain. So he did test and said that is not carpal tunnel, i am right hand dominant so it was by now affecting my whole life on hurting , some days were so bad that it felt as if my shoulder was oyt of joint, but i knew it was not, it just felt as if it was, i then had to have someone help me move my arm because of the shoulder pain, that extensiveness is not everyday but does occure 3-4 times a month and every day it just hurts feel like in joint and it feel s as if it pops and when it does that is worse, hurts to go above head and to the side, especially outward, just gets worse..My new dr said need ortho asap that shoulder is very unstable and has crepitus.
I finally got the ortho, but the first times there he was not very nice and felt like he just didnt believe me, it was weirrd, just had bad feeling. But anyway, he took xray and he examined it but had difficulty due to the pain. Xray looked fine he said , i said what next somethings wrong and getting worse and its affecting my life...i can not have MRI as i have a pacemaker so he sai i guess i can send you to get CT arthrogram...finally 3 weeks later he did..Oh yeah, i was in therapy for 3 motns prior to seeing ortho, that my new dr got me in..They worked with shoulder as well as my other injurioes from accident... anyway finally got the ct arhrogram doen, and few weeks later got to finally see ortho again. And yet again he still had the feeling as if i was waisting his time and it was in my head. He said arthrogram is fine, said only slight tear in something (dont remeber) but he said its not a big deal, its something thats happens alot with sports people and it would not hurt as i am stating. He said nothing i can do for you..he said we can try a cortisone shot but i see you are allergic to prdenisone and they are similiar, i said noway, im allergic its on my record, he say yeah, but it might not affect you cause its not really being absorbed its just injected directly into your shoulder..he said it may not affect you like prednisone but it might...UHHHHHMMMMM, NO..i was in hospital 3 days after taking prednison. He said well its yoyr call, but if you dont want the shot, then theres nothing else i can do, just go to pain management. I said, wait im hurting, done therapy and is still getting worse for almost a year. something is wrong i know it, he said well i could do explororty surgery, but i probably would even do it for you...So lets say it did not end well....I will being going over him for he attidtude and i lost all faith as him as a dr to even suggest i take a med that he knows and stated im allergic too, and so on...
So outside of losing my mind and feel like im hitting a brick wall after that, and my shoulder contiously getting, i know somethings wrong, i dont care if an xray or the CT Arthrogram doesnt show it...I know it...I cant have the MRI and when i did also tell ortho on that last visit i wish i could have the MRI to see if it shows on that, he said, wouldnt matter, the CT arthrogram showed me all i needed.
So does anyone definitively know if an MRI or MRI Arthrogram would be able to show something that the CT Arthrogram couldnt show....I could be wrong, but i could of sworn that the dr who did the arthrogram on me said that sometimes the CT arthrogram could show some things the MRI really couldnt but that the MRI could show if something wrong with tendons and ligaments and that the CT arthrogram necesarily couldnt show it. All help would greatly be appreciated, as now the shoulder is makeing it hard to drive now, as i grab the wheel hard by accident or turn it wrong and im in exterme pain. I dont want to lose the ability of driving or haveing damage become irreversible. I just know in my gut i know soemthings wrong. But ortho says no and hes done with me.....HELP
Thank you
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