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  1. #1
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    Age: 24, Male

    Physiotherapy post bankart surgery

    I had Arthroscopic ban-kart surgery on my left shoulder 6 weeks ago.. and currently I'm in 7th week.
    Till now I was doing only home exercises like , pendulam exercise, lifting left arm upto 90 Degrees, with the help of right arm.

    I met doctor yesterday, and he suggested to start with other exercises like,

    1) Lifting my left arm without support > 90 or as much as I can, in front and left(horizantal) directions.
    2) Placing arms on wall , and slightly move up and up as much as I can.
    3) Holding both arms around neck in "W" shape
    4) Touching back of my body with left arm.

    etc .. ect...

    I have to do each of the exercise 10 times, and it should be repeated 3 times a day..
    Doctor also said that if you won't improve in 2 weeks, I'll put you on to physiotherapy...+

    Believe me it is paining very much While I do these exercises, I almost cry..
    But around 10 mins after the exercise I will feel very fine.. and arm becomes little free...

    I'm scared that doing this much exercises in 7th week might hurt the repair done (but doctor said it is already healed ).. and I need to give some more time to start it.

    What you guys suggest, Is it safe to start these exercises now only.. Or should I wait.
    If delayed, is there any chances that I won't recover 100% ROM...

    Your suggestions are much valued.


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    Re: Physiotherapy post bankart surgery

    Hi Vijay,

    Active shoulder (without assistance) movement can be done when you don't have shoulder pain, no shoulder hiking while abducting(horizontal elevation) your shoulder. As per normal protocol for Bankart surgery you can do active movements by 7 th week, but you should have no or minimum pain. Are you doing scapular stabilization exercise? It very important for shoulder rehabilitation.

    From 6th to 12 week you should aim to reach complete shoulder active movement gradually. Continue to strenthen your scapular and glenohumeral muscles starting from isometric to dynamic. If pain permits by end of 10th week physiotherapist can do grade 3 mobilization.

    My opinion is, you can meet a physio who is experienced with this type of rehabilitation.

    Best regards,



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