Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 28, Male, Presenting Problem Since: For ever?, Symptom Behaviour: Slowly better, Aggravating Factors:: SKIPPING rope, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: otherwise fit and healthy
Right leg external rotation
Hi all,
I am having difficulty with my right leg rotation. I believe it stems from turning my right foot out and placing all my weight on it when standing still (just a bad habit). The soleus in my right leg is significantly bigger, and tighter. I have noticed during exercise such as squats, etc I have a tendency to turn my right foot out further. I also do a lot of walking during the day for work (20km+). I have just started soft tissue work with a roller (soleus, glutes, IT band), and I am working on some internal rotation stretching. I still feel like the ball of my right foot is pressing down harder on the ground. Am I on the right track ? I have definitely increased ROM, just not sure if I should be trying to strengthen the left soleus or will the right eventually shrink?
Thanks for any help,
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