Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 20, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 1 day, Aggravating Factors:: walking, Easing Factors:: massaging in hot water and salt (nacl), Investigations: fully healed, no fracture seen, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: yearly injections of teriamcinolon acetolon for controlling allergy ( tho i know its not related), No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Fourth Metatarsal Fracture Rehabilitation
Hey i fractured my fourth metatarsal in a silly skateboard game on a wet floor
luckily i opened the boot yesterday after a month but i still have pain and little edema on my foot and walking is also painful for me
while xray and stuff showed that its fully healed, but i still see some big Bruises on my foot, fingers and under my foot (its in a semi-healed level, i guess it was worse when it was in a boot). doctor told me the pain is ok since ull have pain on a Bruise area, but this pain is making me crazy since it stops me from daily activities (like walking to my workplace and classes)
i dont know if its ok to forget the pain and move on it since im worry of breaking it again (i had enough hard times in the last month for paying for my stupidity..studying a major and 2 minors at once plus working is not possible with this situation )
and im afriad since i feel like i forgot how to walk it ok?!
i tried to find some rehab exercises over the net and i found only 1 related post (not too bad tho) but it was about fifth meta
i want to know how i can get back on track again, and how much time do u think it takes for me to run again? (as a hyperactive i cant stand still)
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