I finally got a diagnosis for my bizzarre leg pain. It turns out that my right hip has shifted up and forward and my left hip is tilted back, putting pull and strain on my lats and quads which is why I've torn both my lat and also had a wrongly diagnosed illiosous(?) (was originally told satorius) tear this year.

My problem now is, after having them reset into the right position, due to them having been in the wrong position for nearly 6 months they have just moved straight back into the wrong position, and are causing me problems again. I will hopefully be going to my physio again soon but I wanted to ask advice on exercises and things I can do so that next time my hips are reset that I can keep them there.... This information would be greatly appreciated as having been out of main training all winter now I desperately need to fix up with the season a month away.

Thank you!

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