Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 60, Female, Presenting Problem Since: may years i thnk, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): when stnding in one position, Aggravating Factors:: stnading still, Easing Factors:: walking or sitting down, Investigations: just said my legs are bent lol, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: buit very well controlled with meds, Medications: thyrooxine, perendopril, warfarin, co amufruse, glucmine and crondit simstatin, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: hav oesteo arthrtus and lymphodema
cannot straighte legs
Hi I am new to website. I have osteo arthritus and have had knee problems for many years and also have lymphodema in both legs since puberty and i wear compession garments. My probelm is i cannot straighten my legs wheni stand the are permanently bent ... An orhopedic surgeon said itwas because i have had pan for so many years but what he didnt say and i did not think to ask at teh time is can i do anything to imprpve as it makeds my legs and gack ache if i stand still for any length of time.....he did say so some hamstring stretches but I am not sure how success i am being in ding those exercises is this something a physi could help me with? Thanks Judy
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