Hi, am desperately hoping for some advice / assistance. 8 weeks ago, I suffered a bimalleolar ankle fracture on my right ankle. I was in a walking boot for 6 weeks, post - surgery, and have now started walking about with just 1 crutch.
I've attached the first lot of xrays showing the breaks themselves, and then the first xrays post-op, which was about 6 weeks ago. I have another lot of xrays in another 3 weeks, then my surgeon has advised I should be fine.
However, it definitely doesn't feel fine! My mobility is extremely limited (probably not helped by the fact that I have grade III chrondomalacia in my right knee, so the loss of muscle tone has not helped that either). The surgeon said that I shouldn't really need physio, as I'm only 29 and was fit before hand. However... I can't see this getting right on it's own, particularly as my knee is now feels 'out' aswell.
I'd much appreciate any advice you could offer on recovery time or suggested activities, and also if any of you are based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm Australian, but moved here a year ago and a recommendation on a good physio for this type of injury in CPH would be very much appreciated.
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