Brief Medical History Overview
Knee effusion after Arthroscopy

I'm hoping for professional advice or at least comforting stories of fellow sufferers 
Here's my story:
I'm 26 years old. One and a half months ago I had an accident during freestyle wrestling - a sport that I had taken up only in January.
My sparring partner applied a throw I landed very unfortunately with full force on the inner side of my knee.
While I hoped it was only a severe contusion my doc suspected a tear of the lateral collateral ligament. MRI about one week following the accident showed a partial tear of the lateral collateral ligament as well as a a tear in the posterior horn of the interior meniscus.
Arthroscopy was conducted three weeks following the accident in a specialised clinic. They were able to fix the meniscus with the RAPIDLOC System and the surgeon told me that the tear is in the are well supplied with blood and that he is confident that it will heal well. During Arthroscopy it became evidend that the ACL was also partially ruptured. As I had demanded that ther shall be done as much as needed yet as little as possible on the knee, they didnt fix that right away. They just microfractured the notch to created a healing response.
48h after Surgery the drain was removed, I was given a Donjoy Brace (set to 30° flexion and 0° extension) and crutches (20kg partial burden on the operated knee in the first week) and sent home. Also I was shown some exercises that I should do, low effort yet regularly. I also asked how much I was allowed to move around on crutches and was told that I could move about as long as there was no pain.
Well enough, I never had any pain in the knee. But six days after to surgery my knee began to swell up to enourmos proportions.
And thats when it got ugly for me. Another doc (as the first one was a hundred miles away) told me to stay in bed as much as possible, elevate the leg, use a compression bandage and cool the knee as well as take 150mg Diclofenac a day. Soon after that my lower leg and foot began to swell too so I wrapped them in compressive bandages as well.
I kept religiously to the docs orders and stayed in bed or on the couch pretty much 22 hours out of 24 for about ten days. Foot and lower leg went back to normal about three days after swelling and the knee got better slowly too. I started to move about a little more the last few days but still rest the leg most of the time.
The swelling has diminished very well and I stopped cooling the knee, as it doesnt feel hot anymore.
But the knee does'nt look anything like the uninjured one and there is still a lot of fluid in the joing gap (If i apply soft pressure on one side, the skind on the side of the joint gap will bulge visibly). My doc strongly advised against an aspiration.
Now, I'm very troubled by the long time this seems to take. Should'nt my knee be back to normal by now?
Is there anything I can do, to speed up recovery?
My Doc strongly adviced against physiotherapy until the amount of fluid in the joint gap is back to normal.
This sucks pretty bad, as the important time span to mobilise the joint after surgery is already lost. There is a high chance, that the knee will be stiff after this, right?
Thank you very much for your advice!
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