Age: 46, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 16 months, Symptom Behaviour: some parts better and some worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): morning. i seem more stiff/weak afetr waking up., Aggravating Factors:: it could be inactivity or it could be too much - not sure, Easing Factors:: nothing i can think of, Investigations: inter cranial av fistula found and operated on last june. pressure removed as a result and nervous system symptoms reducing continuously, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: high bp but contolled to normal (approx 120/75) with medication, Medications: candesartan or bp, omemprazole for acidity, B vitamins, simvastatin, paracetamol in morning if back pain, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: little physical activity for over a year and a half means i'm overwieght (I'm 5 ft 10, well built and 19.5 stone