Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 33, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 6 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): worse in the morning, Aggravating Factors:: Difficult to answer, I'm not objective about improvement / worsening anymore, Easing Factors:: Difficult to answer, I'm not objective about improvement / worsening anymore, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
2 chronic problems
Between 5 and 6 months ago I suffered two separate injuries:
1 - I hurt what I think was my piriformis performing a heavily loaded squat. It wasn't a terrible injury and I allowed it to recover as I normally would with a pulled muscle. It seemed to get better and I went back to working out, but it injured again fairly easily.
2 - I strained a muscle in my forearm and, stupidly, started lifting on it again too quickly. It has turned into some forearm tendonitis (I think).
Since then, these injuries have turned into very strange chronic problems. In my left leg my iliopsoas is sore whenever I lift my leg and my TFL has an almost constant low-level ache. My glutes also seem to go out easily, but that hasn't happened in a while. In my right arm, my forearm has an almost constant low-level ache, my brachialis tightens up very easily (it happens maybe a few times a week), my right trapezius tightens up and my right pec becomes sore at insertion into the shoulder (either major or minor).
The pains described above come and go (except for the iliopsoas), normally when my TFL / glute is sore, my arm is ok and vice-versa.
Range of motion in my hip is fine, it's a little lessened in my left hip than in my right, but not by a significant amount.
I've been through 2 physiotherapists, seen a massage therapist a kinesiologist and a doctor who's a back specialist (who also practices chiropractic). All of them seem to be confused about the injuries not responding to therapy.
Prior to this I was a very active person, I would lift 3 times a week and run 3 times a week, hike, ski etc. and now I don't feel like I can do anything without causing some harm. I've tried stretching and minor, very light exercises and either feel like they're not doing anything or that they're making it worse. When stretching out my iliopsoas and quads, I feel as though the pain got worse very slowly over the course of a few days.
This injury is driving me crazy, I'm becoming depressed and it's all I can think about and at this stage I'm willing to try anything to improve it.
Please help me, there's a lot that I haven't mentioned above in terms of treatment and response, but please recommend or ask questions. At the moment I feel like I'm lacking a diagnosis and therefore I have no idea what to do about making it better.
Thanks in advance.
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