Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 44, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 5 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): all day, Aggravating Factors:: walking long distances or for long periods of time, lifting heavy items, sitting for long periods of time, Easing Factors:: nothing really, Investigations: x-rays sh ow all healed. Last MRI was at 6 weeks post fracture, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Aleve, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No
Tibial Plateau Fracture-5 mos later still in pain, trouble bending knee..need advice
Back in September I had a non-displaced Tibial Plateau Fracture. No surgery, no tear to my ACL or MCL...pretty lucky I guess.
I did about 6 weeks of PT. Went for my last follow up visit to my ortho the end of December, he took x-rays and said everything healed good and that there was nothing more he could do for me. He wouldn't prescribe any more PT and said I didn't need to come back unless I was still in pain in 6-8 mos.
The problem is, I can only bend my knee to 110 degrees and can't fully straighten it. I still have a lot of pain on the inner part of my knee. The muscles are in complete knots throughout my entire upper leg all up through my buttocks and into my lower back. Even the muscles behind my knee are in knots.I was seeing a Chiropractor for the back pain and had and a few massages of my back and leg to help loosen the muscles. I've been doing the stretching exercises the PTA gave me to do at home but not much improvement since I finished PT. I can't walk long distances or for long periods of time, can't lift anything more than 10lbs and couldn't run if my life depended on it. I am still walking with a limp.
Should I consider seeking a 2nd opinion? I'm afraid my knee is going to end up staying this way and that my ortho just stopped seeing my because I have a new insurance
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