I came across a patient who had a disc protrusion with pain radiating to the lateral aspect of right leg(Wikipedia reference-linkMRI shows at level of L4-L5.He had been to various physio's and all tried traction which worsened his symptoms.Slr on affectedside merely15 degrees.
I started the treatment with contrast fermentation to reduce the spasm at his back,and little exercises as single knee bending and laterals.He could not tolerate the PA 's at any part of his back
After Few sittings he could tolerate PA glides well but wen i tried tracton just for 5 minutes..his pain agreevated.
Though he tolerated unilateral manual traction nad helped reduce his pain at the referring site
Now after almost one month he has only 10% pain that also after stress of 2 km walking...
I m unable to understand his intolerance to traction and why he is still having the pain..he can also not sit in long sitting without considerable pain....please help

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