Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 43, Male, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Aggravating Factors:: exercise, Easing Factors:: hip flexor stretches and rest, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
OK to stretch groin for knee pain/anterior pelvic tilt ?

Hello, i've had knee cap tracking issues for awhile now. They click on the outside edge of my knees and i think it gives me knee tendonitis if i over do exercise (also got bony bumps below knees on the shin). I was cycle touring for a year or so doing a lot of hills and i remember my VMO's feeling very cramped at certain times to the point i had to stop for awhile by the side of the road.
I cannot do an asian squat without my heels being off the ground and squatting without leaning forward is difficult.
I think i have anterior pelvic tilt and need to externally rotate my femurs to stop the knees clicking and have been stretching my hip flexors ALOT with the ''sled hip flexor stretch'' on EXRX which always stops my knees clicking straight after doing it, but i don't seem to be making much progress with overall feeling once the muscles have relaxed. I've been doing loads of planks, hip thrusts, bridges, clams to strengthen my glutes, and stretch the calves and quads.
One thing i would like to know is that my groin adductors are very very tight so would it do any harm or help to stretch them with say a butterfly stretch for what i'm trying to achieve ? eg could they also be pulling down on my pelvis and helping cause the problem or are they a symptom of it and stretching them would make it worse ? (any links about groin stretching for this problem would be great)
I'm in a part of the world where its difficult to find a physio so any advice much appreciated !!
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ps, when i say click on the outside of my knees. Its right where the patella rubs against the outer femur groove.
I've got rounded shoulders, lower back indicates APT , and the stomach sticks out slightly.
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