Hi all,
first of all thanks for reading my post, I look forward to your words of wisdom in dealing with this problem patient.
I have a 15 year female patient who has a history of insidious onset of constant headaches dating back approximately since last summer. She has been to her doctor and had many tests including an MRI of her head which came back clear, also has tried migraine medications with no relief and has now been referred to physio for help with pain. Also 3-4 years ago she had a 5cm leg length difference that was treated with a shoe raise that she no longer requires.
On assessment she is tall, athletic build(5'9") with reasonable posture, no obvious deformities or deviations, no sign of previous misalignment from leg length evident.
Cervical rangoe of motion is good, patient feels a contralateral stretch at end of range with rotations, nil of note when side flexing, pain into the top of her head on forward flexion and pain around C1-2 with extension, note - patient tends to chin poke when going into extension and not use her lower cervical vertebrae to move.
On palpation there is multiple cavitation from the thoracic spine throughout and her pain is easily stirred up with muscular palpation of upper traps and levator scapulae.
Patient trains upto 3 times a week at handball (goal keeper) and also running training, handball is one of the only times she doesn't feel the pain in her head, it does however return quickly once training has stopped, running tends to aggravate her symptoms. Patient reports being poor with stretches in general.
Other Hobbies - patient tends to watch films on her ipad in bed
Patient also reports occasional difficulties with swallowing, some dizziness and sickness when the headaches are bad, and infrequent episodes of 10 seconds of double/blurred vision at times with school work.
Initally treatment was aimed at local soft tissue work, thoracic mobilisations and a home stretching programme but very little benefit has been gained from local treatment of the muscles, it actually seems to aggravate her in the short term nad have no carry over. Even simple thoracic extensions on a towel on the floor cause pain and have been altered to stretching without the towel and the use of a pillow for her head. I have also trialled cervical mobilisation, more recently I began correcting the movement pattern of her chin poke in extension and scapula retraction exercises. Today as the manual work doesn't seem to be changing things I have opted for acupuncture, the first needle used the patient reported an instant increase in her headache.
As mentioned any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated because at present with such an irritable complaint I am not sure what is the best approach to take going forward.
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