Hi folks, I am hoping you guys and gals may be able to help me.
I managed toSmith's fracture my Right (non dominant) Wrist approx. 8 years ago. And had the usual "T" shaped plate inserted on the anterior side of my ulna.
Now i actually had reasonable movement... BUT i still struggle with the turn hand out movement. For exp. (i generally have to move my elbow into the center of my body to stop coins rolling off.)
I am also attempting to learn Guitar.. and being a true lefty.. i really need to use my Right (damaged) hand for fret work... this because of the above is proving difficult.
I am due to see the surgeon again shortly due to the pain and swelling i STILL get (8 years later) As i use that hand a lot for driving.. (My Job)
I have had an X-Ray which showed significant narrowing to the joints. So we may be looking at having the plate removed.
Ok thats the background now for the Qu's.
So 1. Are there any exercises that will improve that turn hand over movement to try and give a flatter hand?
2. Will having the plate removed possibly help with movement?
3. If i have the plate removed.. is there anything they can do while in there.. that might help with movement?
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