Hi Guys
This is my first post so please go easy on me.
For years i had had niggles in my lower back, usually the right side. Often this was caused by weightlifting but not always and usually went after not too long.
I eventually asked my doctor about it and although she was confident it wasnt anything serious, she put me forward for an appointment with a physio. After numerous tests and stretches he deduced i had a slightly shorter right leg and was compensating by 'squishing' the left down slightly causing back problems. also he said i was VERY inflexible along the front, back and side of my thighs. He advised to get a 1cm insert for my shoes which i did and have been wearing and also stretches including lunges, a stretch where i arc my body and push outward so the side of my thigh stretches, i believe the ITB(??) and hamstring stretches.
Anyway, even when he first did the stretches and everytime afterward that i did them, the right thigh in the groin area felt tender whereas the left didnt, however i carried on. then, a week and half ago, the lower part of my right thigh, right above my knee and for about 6 inches up started to feel numb and gets a pins and needles sensation. also burning and aching while resting anything on it for any length of time. i presumed at first the stretches had caused it and read something called meralgia paresthetica or something similar. however, i think it may have been caused by weights even though i cant recall any specific movement feeling like anything had gone wrong. now, there is the pain again in the lower back and i could swear i can sometimes feel a little pain or tenderness in my right buttock. lastly and possibly most significantly the area above my knee i presume where the thigh muscle connects to the bones it is very tender and if i massage it the feeling, only very slightly, improves.
any ideas what this could be and what i could do to help? i have been icing and warming a diffent times the area above knee and lower back and having ibuprofen 3 times per day.
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