Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 24, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 2 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Investigations: I had an XRay of my ankle in a normal and twisted position., No Osteoporosis
Ankle sprain with hard lump that won't heal
How it happened:
When I was playing football about 2 months ago, I sprained my right ankle.
The next day it was swollen in the right side (of the right ankle)(the typical ankle swelling, where that outward rounded bone lies).
The pain got alright in a couple of days and was able to walk fine.
I didn't play for a month and took no other special care.
I went to play and I twisted the same ankle again (bent it sideways-inwards while stepping).
It again got swollen and pained, and I went to a doctor.
What the doctor said:
He said it is a simple ligament strain and I that I should be fine in a month (we took X-Rays also).
How it is was 10 days ago:
One month passed, but the swelling didn't subside. I could run well though.
But when I bent my right foot towards my leg (like when you press the ground hard with the front part of your foot), it hurt right where the swelling is. The same when I took it in the opposite direction also.
The swelling was hard to touch. I went to the doctor again to ask him.
What the doctor said:
He said I'm not to worry and that it would get alright. He said I could start playing. He said I don't need physiotheraphy.
It has been 10 days and the situation is the same. The swelling won't go below this level. It is hard.
I'm afraid to go play again.
Is it possible that I may have permanently lost range of motion? And the swelling, why is it hard? Will it go away?
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