Hi everyone I'm a 42 year old man who was first diagnosed with a C5C6 hernia in 2002 after a Rugby accident.It's never really given me too much bother and It wasn't operated on .
2 weeks ago whilst doing some overhead shoulder weightlifting I had a massive flare-up it was impossible to sleep because of the deltoid,forearm and neckpain I went to A&E and received pain killers and relaxants.I've been on sick leave since it happened.
Results of CT scan.
Cervical rectitude with stacked uncodiscarthrose most noticeable in C5C6 with a left preforaminal overlap where osteophyte formation has deviated laterally to the left with C6 radicular conflict evident.
The cervical canal has not shrunk (that's a relief !)there exists an osteoarthritis of the posterior joints
I've recently had a cortizone epidural.I've been doing some traction and I'm getting more quality sleep.Dare I say it but I think my condition is improving !
The problem is I've put on about 3 Kgs since and would like to attempt some cardio work on an elliptical trainer.
Is this risky ?
Is the cervical region sollicited ?
What are the does and dont's concerning physical activity after this type of injury ?>
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