Hello all!

I'm hoping someone can help me or give me some information. My doctor has not given me much information and I am concerned. I'm 8 weeks out from an ALC reconstruction using the patellar tendon and it is just starting. Here is what I feel:

Sometimes my knee seems to get stuck when trying to bend (usually when going from completely straight through the first 10-20 degrees) and i dont want to push any further just in case i rupture anything. The sensation seems to be on the inside of the knee. It feels like something is stopping it from bending. I then have to stretch the leg out again for a few seconds to get the knee to function again properly. However if i dont then the knee will continue to be restricted and/or it is hard to push past it. This isnt all the time - usually face down hamstring curls is when it is most noticeable.

Another problem i have is that sometimes when i bend the knee a pressure builds and I push past this, but it is not comfortable (this is hard to explain!!) and something seems to slide to one side inside the knee or the pressure releases and all is good again - once it releases - kind of like an instant untightening - it is completely fine but will build up again if i continue to do that bending. Pressure, push through it, release sensation and then fine. This is all on the inside of the knee. This is not all the time either - I notice it most when laying on my back with a roll under my knees so the leg is bent at a 30 degree-ish angle. Then, as I do reps of lifting only the bottom portion of my leg to where it is fully straightened out, the pressure builds.... and is usually the worst when being lowered back down to the resting point.

So hard to explain so I hope this makes sense!

Thank you all for any help!!

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