I've previously dislocated my right shoulder three times and had labarum repair a number of years ago which so far (touch wood) has been fairly successful. I get the odd twinge now and then maybe some pain in my shoulder blade but otherwise I'm ok, just wary of it.
However today I was doing a simple military dumbbell shoulder press, third set approaching/at the point of failure. I was about to press from a 90 degree point on my elbows when I had this sudden and horrid feeling. I can only describe it as going totally light headed, and the feeling of my shoulders about to both dislocate. I flung the weights off me and stood up, checked I hadn't infact dislocated one or the other and just left the gym. I was shaking and I felt like I'd just had someone hit me. But crucially I've got no pain as such in either shoulder, just mild, mild discomfort in my right shoulder blade, full ROM and no stretch marks on my skin.
I sought advice from a friend who's suggested that as I've already dislocated my right shoulder this was a sort of apprehension reaction and my body was preparing for a repeat and I hadn’t infact fully or sublux dislocated either, and to that end I'm ok, just in panic mode.
Really I just need to know I'm layman’s terms what I've potentially done, there's all kinds of articles online about 'muscle reflex latencies' and 'apprehension' but they're beyond my understanding.
Due to my work I'm unable to even consider visiting my GP incase they find out and as fitness is a huuuuuuge part of my life I'm dreading the prospect of having to stop lifting due to today's f**k up.
Can anyone shed any light upon this?
Thank you,
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