Hi all. Would appreciate any input.
The following incident happened:
approx 4am on 13th July
The time now is 00:29 14th July (UK time).
so, approx 2 days 20 hours or 68 hours ago.
I ended up in a lapdance bar almost 3 days ago. The lapdancer kept slamming her ass hard on to my thighs/knees. I weigh about 9.5 stone, have chicken legs, and virtually all skin and bone. The first time she did I remember thinking, damn, that was rough, is she trying to hurt me. But I did not want to look like a weasel so just said nothing. She done a few more times as part of her dance. She must have though it was sexy was she was doing. Each time I knew it was about to come I would dread it and would wince but try to hide it. The pain was a sharp dead leg feeling. I think it was because I was drunk that I just ignored it and did not take it that serious (you feel invincible when drunk and have a high pain threshold). Right after it happened I was not really in much pain but could feel that dead leg feeling and just stood up talking at the bar as normal. We then left (my friends and I) and walked to get a bite to eat. I could walk fine. I am a major worrier. I know most people would think nothing of it and would just get on with it as normal if feeling what I was feeling but I was sort of thinking about it on the taxi journey home.
So I go home go to bed and hope when I wake up in the morning I would have forgotten about it and everything would be fine. I wake up about 3pm that afternoon. It was the first thing that was on my mind being the worrier that I am. I was not in any real pain to be honest. Maybe still a slight dead leg feeling. A year or two ago, because of some other thing, I had read up on Contusions and consequently Myositis Ossificans. I remembered this and decided to google it. I can't remember if I googled it that day or the day after that. My mind goes a little blurry for a few days after the rare occasions I drink. Anyhow, I've now had this fear the last few days of my dead turning in to Myositis Ossificans. I would not know if I had it for a couple months or so. I am aware that certain things can increase the chances of getting it. I have listed below some of the things I have / have not done the last 68 hours that make me fearful of getting this:
What is worrying to me is that it was not just one blow but repeated. Is was kind of multiple dead legs in succession. Maybe 5 or more. I've read this is very dangerous. It is hard to know how hard each of them where. I was drunk. And I suppose things could either feel softer than they are when drunk (or maybe harder than they were given that I am a worrier). Some where sharp shooting pains, some were harder than the other, some were not that hard. Isn't that like multiple/successive injuries? Or some form of cumulative damage.
I read that heat applied to soon is dangerous. I did not apply heat directly but I had the laptop on my lap (thighs) which gets really hot. The first day, I don't think it was that long to be honest. But yesterday I had it on my laptop for a while and the laptop got that hot that it shut itself off. I did not have anything directly underneath it such as a book which I sometimes do.
I read that massaging too soon is bad. I have not had a massage as such but I am worried if some things I have done would be classed as a massage and if someone could clarify for me. In the shower I massaged the shower gel/soap over my legs from top to bottom. This made my legs feel good. When I say massaged, this is what I would normally do and do the same for the rest of my body and assume that is what most people do. I was rubbing in circular motions. But I was rubbing very gently. I was not applying pressure to the muslce or moving the muscle. It was more a skin massage. The shower gel and water meant it was a very slippery massage. Now, I did this in my first shower after the lapdance incident (approx 8 hours after it happened) and have did the same the past 2 showers. Is this classed as a 'massage', the kind that can cause myositis ossificans?
Also, when I towel dry, I rub on my legs with the towel (not too hard). Is this classed as a massage?
I have moved/walked around as normal. I have not felt like a need to walk slower or walk with a limp. But I have not exercised or gone too physical just to be on the safe side. I read exercising too soon is dangerous after a contusion.
I did about 5 squats yesterday to test if there was any pain. It is hard to say how these felt or if they felt different to normal. This is because I struggle to do squats anyway. I can barely do one squat with proper balance, without nearly falling back or keeping my back straight or without it feeling strange. My legs are very weak.
Yesterday, and possibly the day before that (which would be the afternoon after it happened) I was in the back garden and had a little kick about (football/soccer). Noting too hard, just a few kicks and dribbles. Very light. just a kick about really. Just with myself. Only for about 5 minutes.
I went for a 30 minute walk yesterday (15th July).
I have not iced it at all.
Last night (about 24 hours ago), I decided to use some compression (was reading about how compression stops bleeding and this got me worrying). I wrapped a towel as tight as I could get it (which wasn't that tight). First I wrapped it so it was half way below the knee and half way above the knee. I did this for ten minutes, both legs. Then I wrapped it around the thigh (covered upper limb area), ten minutes both legs. I think the leg may have actually hurt a little bit more after this and was a little bit uncomfortable during the night and the morning.
I have not elevated it. Unless you count lying down on my back yesterday day and lifting the leg straight up and holding it for 60 seconds.
I have not really followed RICE. Mainly because I do not want to make a mountain of a molehill. What I mean is, I believe if the issue is not that serious and I make it serious then it would make it serious. A psychosomatic pain/scenario. Most people in my situation would just have forgotten about it expecing -if there was any pain - for everything to just be alright in a few days. When I used to play football/soccer a few years ago - before I became a serious worrier - I used to get kicked / come home in pain often and never once worried about it and within a short time everything was fine. But second reason is I do not really understand how to apply RICE. There is plenty of information online about what it consists of but have never found good info on how to actually apply it. Plus, I do not really have the equipment.
I should add, for the past three years (this september coming) I have been in constant pain in my left leg (mainly at the back/calf are but also front of the quads/knee). I got kicked in the back of the leg playing football. I have had physical examinations and scans and been assure there is nothing wrong. I come to the conclusion a few months back (after reading Dr. Sarno's MindBody Connection) that the pain is Psychosomatic. Anyhow, the last couple days maybe, this pain has gotten worse. It does tend to get worse the more I worry I have 'hurt it/damaged it' so this is quite normal. Even though the lapdancer slammed hard on to both legs and I remember feeling sharp pain in both legs at the time, the right leg is virtually pain free.
I suppose what I want to know is the following:
Do you think what I experience was a contusion?
Could it be a serious one or just a mild one?
Am I worrying about nothing? Was it just a mild dead leg?
What are the chance of me getting myositis ossificans, am I worrying too much?
Has what I have done / not done since increased my chances of getting myositis ossificans?
Is there anything I should do / not do from this moment on to decrease chances of getting myositis ossificans / recover properly?
When should I return to normal activity / exercise?
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