Hi, I relatively recently suffered a tibial fracture after a collision with a stationary car on my push bike, the fracture required surgery and afterwards I was put in a full leg cast and kept in hospital for 2 weeks before I was allowed to be mobile on a frame and sent home. My hinged cast was set to allow a greater range of motion every 2 weeks in the end it was set to 60 degrees and I am now 7 weeks after my operation and the cast has been with replaced with a Velcro brace last week after my xrays were promising. I read about other peoples experiences with similar injuries and by now people are talking about a range of motion beyond 90 degrees and climbing while I have been neither offered any physiotherapy and cannot achieve anything beyond 50 degrees with my knee without not so much pain as a sudden stop. I can't physically force my leg any further. So my question is, is this normal or is it something I should be seeking help with because while I broke my leg 7 weeks ago the competition season for ballroom and latin dancing for me starts in November and ideally I want some form of movement (if only to train with a partner) by this point. Is there anything I can be doing to try and regain some range of motion?
I am 23 and male (if that matters) have been NWB for 7 weeks and have one week left before PWB for the last 4 weeks where my doctor has adviced applying up to 50% body weight.
Advice is very appreciated
p.s. I am well aware I am unlikely to be fit for the competition season but it's a goal more than anything realistic.
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