5 weeks ago i visited drs with shooting pains in my right leg. they said it was sciatica gave me meds sent me away. a week later the pain shifts into my left hip joint area, felt like a warm pressure like pain. went back to drs again given different meds and told to wait for meds to take effect. well now its been 3 weeks of a constant pain in my inner thigh my groin area and the back of my leg. i can not lay down, or sit or walk. its affecting the feeling in my left leg makes my leg feel constantly achey. the very bottom of my spine hurts to lay on or sit and my bum feels numb left bum cheek hurts . i can not sit on the toilet or get in and out of the car. i need to support my leg when getting into bed as the pain is unbearable. i can not get comfy in bed and wake up constantly with the pain. the meds i been prescribed are, co codamol, alternate these with paracetamol, volteral cream to rub in area, tramadol twice a day. none of these are helping me pain wise just make me tired n groggy, i end up crying at least once a day due to the fact that i just cant get comfortable, the pain dose not let up what so ever, its always there. dose anyone know what this maybe? please. i cannot climb in and out of the bath nor could i sit to eat my christmas dinner. when in try and place my feet together it feels like my affected leg is slightly longer than my normal leg.
please any one..
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