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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 18, Male, Presenting Problem Since: several months, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): when sitting for long periods, Aggravating Factors:: sitting for long periods, Easing Factors:: not sure, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Chest, Ribs

    Shoulder - Anterior - Left

    Shoulder - Anterior - Right

    Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Left

    Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Right

    No blood flow to biceps

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hello everyone,

    My problem is with my arms, but I think the source is somewhere higher up. Basically, at different times throughout the day, the blood flow to my arms would just decrease, leaving me with fatigued arms even though im just sitting down. Im 18, played soccer and have been lifting for a couple years now, lean and a good amount of muscle on me if that matters. Ive been having this problem probably for a couple months, but I finally decided to stop ignoring it because (as crazy as I might sound), i think its hindering my biceps growth. These past several months I have gained muscle like usual, except my arms are not getting bigger, in fact they seem to be shrinking! I searched some stuff up and thought it could be a tight pec minor because i do feel tightness there, but i also feel something in my armpit area too. This has been extremely frustrating, sitting at my desk while i study and reaching muscle failure as if im lifting, any help is greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: reading this over i realized its not very detailed. Let me add a couple of things. Im in uni right now, but in highschool I had cringe worthy posture while sitting throughout the day, absolutely horrid, and that might have affected things, because the blood flow decreases mostly when im sitting for long. Also biomechanically, if you were to ask my opinion about my body's dysfunctions I would say the following (none of which has been evaluated by a pro, just self-diagnosis):
    - Slight forward head posture
    - tight hip flexors, inhibited glutes, and anterior pelvic tilt
    - underdeveloped vastus medialis
    - inflexible in general, and not too good shoulder mobility when i reach overhead

    Hope thats better, tell me if you need any details, thanks.

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    Re: No blood flow to biceps

    just to further clarify.
    Could you just explain please how you know that your blood flow to your arm muscles is decreased and that your vastus med is underdeveloped?
    Also, what do you mean with 'gaining muscle'? Are you undergoing a muscle building programme? How did you measure this?
    Have you seen a Cardiologist, Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neurologist?
    Thanks, Fyzzio

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    Re: No blood flow to biceps

    Hi Fyzzio thanks for replying. To answer your questions:
    - I know blood flow is decreased to my arms because I can feel the sensation (dont know what its called). Like when you put your hand up for a long time, I feel that same feeling. Also when I get into a position that increases flow (usually lean back on wall and pull my arms back) I feel blood flow normally.
    - As for my vastus med, I can just see it underdeveloped.When i flex my quads the bulk of muscle is on my outer thigh, with my vastus med comparatively small.
    - By gaining muscle I meant undergoing muscle hypertrophy. Yes i workout regularly, with the goal of increasing muscle hypertrophy. I measure this with visual progress as well as weight increase (im lean so fat gain is negligible).
    -No i have not seen anybody about this.
    Thanks for the reply and sorry for not being more clear, if something is still vague i will elaborate

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    Re: No blood flow to biceps

    that's OK, no worries. As you are using 'proper' medical terminology it is difficult to figure out which terms you have been given by a medical professional versus terms you use to describe what you are observing.

    - Sensation changes in the arm, such as 'pins and needles' are often not so much blood flow related as far more a sign of nerve irritation - in your case that would be the lower cervical spine.

    - Quadriceps: the middle and the outer/ lateral part are always better visible - that's normal.

    The way you describe your posture - maybe you should work on stretches and posture correction first before you work on muscle hypertrophy. Who is supervising your workout regime?
    Are you training the right muscles??? How do you do your stretches - are you doing any, e.g. pec minor, quads?
    I'm not quite sure what the goal of your training is - looks versus functional performance. Are you Bodybuilding?

    If your biceps is in fact shrinking - that would be a serious neurological pathology - again very unlikely but who knows.

    So, generally, I would like to suggest that you get checked out by a Physiotherapist, so that they can give you their advice (esp. cervical spine) as well as consider referring to a Specialist (in case you do have a medical pathology/ blood flow problem - which is very unlikely). They can also advise you on proper stretching ad weight resisted exercises - but for the latter, you could also ask a Personal Trainer.


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    Re: No blood flow to biceps

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thank for the reply again. I think I will do some postural correction excersices as you suggested, I've been meaning to for a while. And yes I am bodybuilding, its mainly for aesthetic purposes. And this pin /needles feeling you describe hasn't really happened to me, it does sometimes tho. Thanks again

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