suffering from some strange pain the last few weeks. Not 100% sure what the issue is. Went to physio and have had work done on my QL muscle as well as having my si joints cracked. I have pain in my left si area, more on the outside of my pelvis when i am standing fully upright. it has improved a bit to the point that the pain is now intermittent instead of constant in that position. The first week i was able to lift relatively normally but directly after a heavy set of squats or deads i would be done for the day. my hips would be locked up and i wouldn't be able to straighten up for a couple of hours. I have been doing less and less to help it recover in the last 2 weeks. I can't figure out exactly what the issue is. It seems strange that i the pain isn't consistent, as in sometimes i can stand fully locked upright with no hassle and sometimes i get a shot of pain in my pelvis and feel like i'm being tilted over at the waist.
Today i feel good but getting out of bed was a hassle as usual. i feel pain when i try to stand up from a seated position on the bed unless i stand up tipped over then straighten up. When i get out of a chair it feels like i'm struggling against tightness in my lower back before u can lock upright. I also off and on have pain/tightness along the back of my left si joint when moving my pelvis forward or backwards. The pain doesn't radiate down my leg or anywhere else it is confined to the left of my pelvis. rolling and stretching my glutes, hams and QL make the pain and tightness disappear entirely for a short time. I also need to sleep on my left side as when i sleep on the right the pain becomes fairly severe and it is a major effort to roll over in bed. but this isn't a problem unless i'm on my right side for a significant period of time.
Anyone here have any ideas? It's frustrating me royally as it has lasted for a couple of weeks now and while it has shown improvement, to the point of going away entirely at times, it is still persisting.

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