Do you have morning stiffness?
Age: 20, Presenting Problem Since: a week, Symptom Behaviour: better in the day, but morning still as painful, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): MORNING only, after waking up
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Left
Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Left
Hi all!
Why does a wrist tendon injury hurt more immediately after waking up? (Assuming I sleep proper with wrists not in awkward positions)
Could it be that when at rest, our body introduces inflammatory cells to the injured tendon for healing, causing pain. (And it is also the reason why we ice to counter our body's overcompensation of inflammatory cells)
Thank you!
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Do you have morning stiffness?
Hi, thanks for replying!
My wrist tendon injury is recent. 2 weeks. No swelling no redness very mild. I hardly feel it in the day if i rest it or use it for daily chores. But at a certain angle with applied force (eg. Ulnar deviation and force applied) i feel the a sharp pain.
When i wake up i feel the pain a lot more. I wouldnt say stiff. its achey and sore, hurts with forearm rotation etc. but after showering it goes away.
inflammation has morning soreness.
ulnar deviation pain + force might related to you fibrocartilage disc at your ulnar side of wrist.
Usually we experience more pain and stiffness with our ailment first thing in the morning due to the reduced blood flow through the night. Usually when we are moving around we don't experience as much pain as our blood flow is optimized. I would focus on any kind of treatment that increases blood (ie. ultrasound, bfst, massage therapy, etc.)...especially first thing in the morning and right before bed.