Hi there.

Posting on and update with regards to an issue i'm dealing with how my left hip externally rotates. Or doesn't very well when comparing it to my right. I've been practising yoga for about a year now and it's here that i notice the restriction the most when performing any pose that externally rotates the left hip. It's as if the left hip will ust not rotate past a certain point / degree. When performing hip opener exercises i feel a pain and restriction deep within the hip towards the outside where the greater trochanter sits.
I've been trying lots of different types of soft tissue release to my hip flexors and glute max / med but it doesn't ever seem to relax or open up any further.
I don't feel any pain or discomfort during normal activities but it's affecting my yoga and i'd like to get to the bottom of it and if i could be looking at an issue with the actual socket itself.

I've seen a physio in the past and a osteopath who looked at soft tissue release around the glute, hip flexors and providing more mobility around my si joint. I continued the exercises given but again i'm still not seeing any release.


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