My 13 year old son has suffered with groin pain for the last 18 months or so, it has restricted him quite considerably in his sport, mainly football.
He has visited various Physio's and an Osteopath to try and resolve the problem, all have mentioned growing pains and tight hip flexors and given various core exercises for him to do but he does not seem to be progressing.
Recently he had a full hip x-ray which showed everything to be normal. Rest has not cured it as he has not played football for 10 weeks due to the appalling weather, upon his first game back last week, he was pain free and running about normally for 30-35 minutes and then the pain came back, this eased off again a couple of hours later and he was pain free. I would be grateful if anyone has come across anything similar or can give any more advice as we don't know who to turn to or what to try next for him. Any help would be gratefully received, thanks
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