Hi All
First post and i would like to know if anyone has similar problem. i broke my arm at the neck of the humerus on 31 Aug 15. The bone healed quickly as it was a clean break and the consultant discharged me at 7 weeks. I started physio at this time under the NHS and did make good progress however the problem i have is that when i lift my arm it gets to a 90 degree angle and then then whole shoulder and back move up taking it to about 120 degrees. I am not sure how i can stop the shoulder and back moving up and want the arm moving within the socket if you see what i mean. It just seems to be stuck fast. The NHS physio signed me off saying any progress will be very small now but to continue with the stretching exercises which i am doing but it just seems to stretch the whole shoulder and back and not the joint moving. Has anyone else had this problem and can tell me how they fixed it if they did?
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