I was diagnosed with a Grade 2 hamstring tear 6 1/2 weeks ago after crashing off water skis.

Xrays showed no bone pulled away (aversion ??). Had crutches for two days, then hobbled around for a week before I could walk OK but a bit stiffly again. A large bruise arrived after about 3 days in the upper part of my leg but below the crease where leg joins butt.

I have been working with physio and now doing more strength exercises. The pain now is in the area where the bruise seemed to be located and gets worse when I do my exercises or after walking or standing a lot.

I guess I am on the road to recovery BUT my concern is that when I try to run (light short jog) as suggested by my physio I start off OK but within 50m my leg gets very heavy and tired to the point where a 100 run is a major struggle. The pain tends to be in the front of my shin from the knee down and a heavy/tired upper leg.

I can walk for an hour and not have a problem but if I try to walk briskly up a small rise the same thing happens after a while.

Is this normal on the recovery journey ? How long before I can run like I used to ? I am not an elite athlete but I was happy to run 10km with hills before the injury.

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