Hi all,

Several years ago, whilst training for a half marathon, I hurt my left knee. No particular injury mechanism, just overuse I think or bad gait.

When the pain first started it was posteriolateral. Now it is posterior and varies between medial and lateral, seems to be posteriolateral when running and medial when walking down hill... walking down hill is agony!!

During the half marathon the pain came on part way through the race, but then disappeared again after a mile. After the race though, I could hardly walk for the rest of the day and the knee would occasionally lock. Rested for several months afterwards, no pain, but as soon as I started running again the pain returned.

So this was 3 years ago, I still get this pain whilst running and walking downhill. No pain with normal walking, skiing, swimming, cycling etc. No locking clicking or instability.

Now I'm thinking it's Popliteal tendinosis... or possibly hamstring or gastroc. Thoughts?

I am pretty sure my hip lateral rotators are weak and are causing instability when running, so I need to work on those. Anyone got rehab ideas for popliteus... rest does no good at all.

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