A few years ago I was struggling with a problem with my SI joint as well as my left knee, I got given a few stretches to do which have not really helped but the pain is manageable.
At the same time I was struggling with my left knee, so I mentioned it to he physio while I was there they told me it was a cartilage problem where there is a little bit of cartilage sticking out and it will were off and I will be okay again.
This does not seem to have happened and I am concerned that I am not doing what I need to be doing to get going again.
Generally my knee does not hurt but if I go for a jog start getting pain on the right hand side of the knee , to the right hand side of the kneecap and end up limping by the time I get home. After this my knee hurts or a couple of days and stiffens up when inactive.Last week also started getting a sharp stabbing pain behind my leg in the lower knee area and I had to put my knee strap on and take pain killers, after a few hour it will settle down.
The other thing that causes pain is over bending my knee for example if I am stood on something reasonably high and try to get down and in the process bend my knee too much, this can hurt so much I have to sit down for a while.
Can anyone offer any advice?
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