Hi everyone
I've been suffering from stiff neck and tension type headache from last 6 months. This tightness is around my temples and forehead between brows and it comes from behind the ears. It all started after a hectic month. I worked for 11 hours straight on computer for 1 month in bad posture (Forward head posture). Also i went gym at that time and did heavy barbell shrugs which i think contributed to this issue. I also have a very bad sleeping posture(i've corrected it). Even after having hundreds of visits to therapists and having taken tonnes of nsaid's i still have stiffness and tension headache. Whenever i give heat to my neck, the stiffness gets reduced but comes back after some time. Doctors don't know about this problem, they just say don't sit in bad posture which i;m not doing it anymore. I've become very tensed due to this problem as this affects my vision(further confirming that its levator scapula ?? ), Can't say its blurred vision but its more like related to stiffness in neck as when stiffness goes, vision is clear. (Eye exams have been conducted and they're perfectly okay)
Now what i've done is that trying out different exercises, like stretching pec minor, stretching levator scapula(Which further increases stiffness), stretching lats.
Also what i notice is that whenever i do serratus anterior exercises, my stiffness is gone for like 2-3 minutes. Also if i wear the collar (neck support), it also decreases stiffness. However, what i'd like to tell is that this issue is not increasing anymore, every single day, the stiffness is less but its annoying and it comes back whenever i work long hours on computer.
I've put my xray and what doctor report says in this post.
Kindly look into it and advice me what to do
Heres the link to images:-
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
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