
I fell over in July and hurt my knee, I found out that I have a bruised medial meniscus - my MRI report said it was torn but an orthopedic specialist then said it was just bruised after he looked at the MRI images. I am in a lot of pain when I walk (I'm using a crutch at the moment) and I also can't walk up and down stairs as usual - I have to walk up/down one step at a time as I can't put pressure on my bad knee otherwise it really hurts and feels like it will give way.

The orthopedic specialist said I needed to see a physical therapist and I finally saw a one last week. He said a bruised meniscus will take as long as a torn meniscus to heal and said I
need to strengthen my quadriceps. He told me to do two exercises: sitting knee extension, raising the leg up and down (30 reps, 3 times a day), and knee to chest exercise laying down (30 reps, 3 times a day). I tried to do these but they made my knee hurt more (the last exercise especially) - my knee now feels tight, sore, gets sharp pains and is slightly itchy so I've stopped doing these exercises. I have to wait 2 weeks until I see my physical therapist again and want to do some sort of exercise to help my knee in the meantime. Can anyone recommend any gentle/light exercise that I can do that is less likely to hurt my knee? I've heard that physical therapy shouldn't give you more pain and make it more painful to walk which is why I don't want to do the exercises he told me to do - I'll obviously explain how it's making me feel when I next see him.

Thanks in advance

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