Brief Medical History Overview
Alternative to TKR
Hi everyone, just wondering whether anybody knows of any appliance that would help me regain some strength in my knee please? I have had arthroscopy which showed my Left knee is graded at 3.5 out of 5 (I'm told this is how they grade severity) and need TKR but people I know who've had it done tell me they can't kneel down on the new knee, which is no good to me as I need to be able to kneel down to show my dogs!!
Is there an appliance I could use which would enable me to kneel down and get back up again, preferably reasonably discreet? My predicament isn't helped by having no achilles reflex on the right side which makes me pretty much out of the game as I have nothing to support me when trying to kneel down and rise again! I did think to just have injections but my pain isn't the problem, I can cope with that, but injections won't give me any reinforcements, so to speak, to lift me up and down.
Kind regards
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