I have been having lower back pain for over a year now. The issuse began 6 months after I started Crossfit (Never going back btw). It was a combination of deadlifts and squatting heavy weights. In crossfit they tell you to sit into the squat as far as possible, which caused rounding in my back.
Since then I experience pain when my back is flexed, picking up items of the ground etc During my day to day life this does not impact me too much, but my back tends to get sore after playing tennis, I play about 3 times a week.
When my back is flexed I feel a sharp pain in my lower right base of my spine. This has been persisitent for about a year and half. I have been to 2 physios and a Chiro but nothing has worked for me. I was told to do exercisies such as childs pose and bending my back while sitting a chair but these seem to irritate the issue. Please see MRI results below.
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