I'm a 28 year old healthy male and have had ACL reconstruction on my right knee 3 weeks ago. I was told I should be 50% weight bearing and stay on crutches for 6 weeks. I was given physiotherapy exercises to do for the first 2 weeks and given a referral letter to give to my GP so that I can be referred to a physiotherapist and be seen within a week. Unfortunately after 2.5 weeks had passed, I chased my doctor, only to realise that no referral was sent off! They have now apparently sent it. I don't know how long it will take for the referral to reach the physiotherapist, and for them to send me an appointment etc.
The exercises I was given were for the first 2 weeks only, and I am now embarking on week 4. Most of the exercises I see online are for people who are full weight bearing, and off crutches, but this isn't the case for me. Can anyone point me to some exercises I can do for the next few days/weeks until I get to see my physio?
ACL reconstruction without physio is apparently quite useless so I don't want to miss out on a successful recovery due to the incompetence of my local GP staff.
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