Hi all...I have a mystery pain in my wrist that has been on and off for about 2 years now.Sorry if this may seem long, but I'll try to explain the best I can. It all started 2 years ago possibly from an injury. I was opening a 40 pound box of bananas and shook the box to get the lid off which suddenly flew off..giving my right wrist a huge sudden pull force in the process. A few hours later, my wrist started to swell, bruise, and very sensitive to touch right at the distal edge of the radius. I was not able to put any weight on my wrist with it bent back and palm down. Figuring I sprained or strained it, I did the RICE therapy. After about 2 weeks, all felt fine.
About a year later, out of the blue, my wrist started becoming painful and swollen again...exact same spot..distal end of the radius. This time, no possibly injury that was recent. When touching the distal radius, the best description I can think of is the feeling of a bone bruise. This time I also noticed a pea sized bump in the snuff box area right under the tendon. Again, I did the RICE therapy...but this time after 2 weeks, there was no improvement. After some research and talking to others, the symptoms strongly suggested a scaphoid fracture. So, I finally broke down and went to the doctor. The doctor did a "quickie" exam and felt the pea sized bump and diagnosed a ganglion cyst. X-rays revealed nothing. In fact, they were excellent looking...no seen fractures, signs of arthritis, and all alignments were perfect. (which is surprising since I've injured this wrist often over my life time...being right handed and very active in athletics and such). So, treatment was a brace which also immobilized my thumb for 8 weeks. After the brace was removed..all seemed good and the ganglion also appeared to be gone. That was 4 months ago.
Now, the last 2 days, the pain is back!! Again, no recent injury. Same as before...distal end of the radius having the pain. This time, I do not feel a lump anywhere...so don't think its the ganglion coming back. In hindsight, I think the ganglion from before was formed due to the unknown problem causing irritation and that I didn't get it looked at sooner. I'm feeling hesitant to go to the dr. again, as I feel they didn't do much when I did go last time. Clearly they didn't find whats causing this since it's back. This is getting quite frustrating as I don't know what's causing it and it's interfering with many things in my life...as I'm right handed and this is my right wrist. Any feedback or advise would be greatly appreciated.

As a side note, I may have minor carpel tunnel (not official diagnosed) as I've occassionally had flares of the classic symptoms of carpel tunnel...usually if on the computer too much. I do have issues with the ulna nerve getting pinched in my shoulder as my rotatary cuff is wearing out...age/overuse....which my chiropractor helps with during bad flares. However, both of these issues are minor at this time and neither cause pain in my wrist during flares...just the finger numbness/tingling. The mystery issue going on with my wrist is quite different than possible carpel tunnel and a pinch ulna nerve. This mystery wrist pain seems isolated to just the distal radius with a strong bruise like pain (but no visual bruise). The snuff box area is somewhat sensitive, but the actual pain is clearly on the distal radius and constant. It is made worse by applying pressure to the end of the distal radius.

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