Hello! I've had this issue for nearly 8 years now but no one has been able to help.
- The longer I sleep, the tighter my QL gets (especially right QL) which causes low back pain. Soft mattress makes it worse (I sleep on a hard mattress now)
- Did Tae Kwon Do for years, until around 9 years ago. Lots of kicking, predominantly planting with my left leg and kicking with my right (may be a cause?).
- I have low grade spondylolisthesis but I don't necessarily think it's related (no back pain post injury for a year or two)
- I think I have weak gluteus muscles (i'm prone to developing ITB when I run, glutes don't activate properly, I have to make conscious effort to activate) OR they aren't weak, but are not activating properly (I can hip thrust 135 lbs)
What helps a little
- Leg workouts, particularly hamstring, seems to help a day or two after the workout
- I have not been consistent in training glutes but glute workouts dont show immediate relief
- Using a quadballer (like a foam roller but it's a wheel that can really dig deep) on my QL offers relief but doesnt fix the root cause
What makes it worse
- Deadlifts (which I don't do anymore)
- Hyper extensions (reverse hyper extensions don't bother me at all though)
Any help is appreciated
Willing to make a payment to support the forum if someone helps me figure this out
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