Hi guys,

So I attended a physio the other day and to be honest I am not happy with the advice they gave me, I am not doctor but I clearly can tell I suffer from Lordosis or anterior pelvic tilt this has been an issue dating back since I was 8-9 years old I am not 27 years old, any how the physio I attended told me that I did have an excessive curvature of my spine and asked if I was experiencing any pain and I told her no and she said that then it's fine you shouldn't worry about it if there is no present, I also asked could fixing this curvature increase my standing height( not grow but stand at my tallest with my spine at it's straightest or at a healthy or normal curvature) and she said she doesn't think so.

from my research I have found it is very much possible to increase your height( not increase per say but stand at your fullest potential height),so yeah I found an excessive curvature can indeed make you shorter, and I also was quite annoyed with the no pain no problem attitude, It may not pain now but there is always a chance it could give me back pain down the road especially as I age.

I have quite a long torso as it is, It's hard to tell from photos but do you believe I have some "hidden" height in me if I correct my lordosis and also my slight kyphosis curve in my back?

she also said my posture is great, in your humble opinion would you classify my posture as "great" or even "fine"?

here is the pictures of me tensing my abs and trying to tilt my pelvis forward(trying to stand as tall as my posture will allow me)

pikkone — imgbb.com
pikkTwo — imgbb.com

Pick-Three — imgbb.com

here is my posture relaxed

bad — imgbb.com

Sorry if I have the format wrong guys,this is my first time posting but thank you for your time


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