I am 51 years old. 2 years ago I had a meniscal root tear resulting in a 80% medial meniscetomy and plica resection medial compartment. I have started exercising again and stretching / strengthening. I am experiencing unexpected instability and subsequent pain in the front medial side of the left knee and rear lateral side of the left knee.
I am looking for exercises I should be doing to strengthen and help stabilize my knee.
Note about 7mo ago I strongly suspect I tore the remaining 20% of the medial meniscus and the outer portion of my lateral meniscus with 2 consecutive incidents. Pain and instability is worst upon first standing till I balance myself out so I can walk. Walking with a cane is much easier but I would like to walk without and be able to start dancing again.
I have lost 21lbs since starting my exercises going from 293 to 272 as of this date. I assume plateauing for the last 9 days due to increased muscle from working with weights along with doing cardio. I plan on continuing till I reach 145-160lbs.
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