I’m hoping someone could point me in the right direction, I’m at a bit of a loss with the pain I’m encountering, it’s not a hugely serious issue, but it’s becoming annoying.
So, early thirties.
Overweight, but a long distance walker/cyclist.
How it happened:
Issue happened back in February this year.
I had cycled in the morning, legs were fatigued, quads mainly taking the brunt. Garden working in the afternoon.
I over balanced backwards, began to wobble back, somehow engaged my knees to pull myself forward, no twisting action involved, just pull myself upright with my knees.
Instantly felt something tug/pull/over stretch in the centre front of my knee, assumed it was the patella tendon, right knee.
I carried on, as I needed to finish what I was doing. Pain was mild, present when squatting down etc, but tried not to squat down too much whilst I finished off.
Next day, mild pain going down the stairs. Unfortunately had to distribute leaflets, so I walked at a very slow pace for around 3hrs. Pain similar to above, manageable.
Took a long week off from distributing leaflets.
Pain on going down the stairs subsided around two/three days after.
That night when I got into bed I got in on my knee and twisted over, stupid – instant knee pain, it was sharp but faded instantly, and didn’t seem to trigger the stair pain the next day.
After that though shooting like nerve pains in the knee started, the shooting like pain was focused around the knee and would kick in when my knee was bent, so sitting down. Eventually that stopped, and that has only returned once when I was visiting friends in a caravan, sat awkwardly trying to keep my knee straight but didn’t do a good job and then the next day shooting pains returned during the day, and again disappeared afterwards.
When I returned to distributing leaflets I’d get a pain that was more central to the patella tendon, which eventually went away foam rolling the quads seemed to help get rid of that, but then a pain reappeared along the inside of my knee, the pain has reduced to a low ‘tightness’ feeling when walking for a couple of hours now and isn’t problematic too much.Pain locations are inside, just to the left/below of the patella tendon really, I'd point it out to around here: Untitled-1.jpg
The huge issue is aching. My knee has a central ache type sensation anytime I’m resting, it’s really hard to pin-point exactly where, seems more below the kneecap where the pain has been, rather than the kneecap area, and seems very medial but again, I find it almost impossible to say where. Wearing a knee brace at times seems to instantly take the ache away, other times it doesn’t have much affect.
I can wake up with no ache, and then just lay around in bed and it can begin before I even get out of bed, but the moment I start moving around/walking the ache will disappear.
No locking, no weakness, no swelling, no noticed range of motion changes.
Knee does feel generally tighter when doing quad stretches
Thanks, pretty long post so if you made it this far, I appreciate it!
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