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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 23, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 6-8 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): all day, Easing Factors:: sometimes sitting or standing, Investigations: MRI on hip joint. No problems discovered, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Hip, Gluteals - Posterior - Right

    Thigh, Hamstrings - Posterior - Right

    Adductor strain and lower back pain

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice how to proceed with ongoing adductor and frequent lower back pain near the sacroiliac joint (SI) on my right side that has been going on for around 6-8 months now.

    SI: if I was to pinpoint this problem It would have occurred late last year when I was walking backwards with a large rock and felt a twinge near the SI area on my right side. Since then along with my adductor pain I've experienced a frequent dull ache in this area with little to no improvement. I cant seem to identify what causes it but the pain seems to remain all day when sitting and standing but then sometimes its not there.

    Some experiences that seem to affect it but not all the time are:
    • pullups, tensing abdominals and blowing my nose.
    • walking while holding objects.
    • sometimes running (incline).
    • and leg focused exercises which I have stopped doing since april to try heal my adductor (deadlifts, lunges, squats).

    Adductor: this problem seem to have gotten worse upon either doing heavier squats or frequently moving my legs with a high intensity interval program I found.
    One problem I seem to be able to produce inside my right groin is clicking sounds when I turn my leg outwards and I'm not sure if its related to the strain? These problems never hurt at the same time for instance if my back is annoying me I can squat down to alleviate the pain which goes to my adductor area.

    March this year I went to the doctors who suggested I might have a hip impingement (FAI) but an MRI found nothing except a mild CAM deformity.
    I was then sent to a physio who diagnosed my groin problem as an adductor strain and maybe a pinched nerve in my SI area. Since then I have stopped doing leg exercises and limited running to once a week while following recovery plans and there seems doesn't seem to be any improvement. I have also stopped seeing the physio due to financial constraints since may.
    Are the problems suggested by the physio likely the cause or could It be something else? I've searched for multiple causes, tried various stretches, foam rolling and prescription pain killers and nothing really seems be the solution.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this post.

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    tonywoodall Array
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    Angry Re: Adductor strain and lower back pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfred View Post
    Hi everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice how to proceed with ongoing adductor and frequent lower back pain near the sacroiliac joint (SI) on my right side that has been going on for around 6-8 months now.

    SI: if I was to pinpoint this problem It would have occurred late last year when I was walking backwards with a large rock and felt a twinge near the SI area on my right side. Since then along with my adductor pain I've experienced a frequent dull ache in this area with little to no improvement. I cant seem to identify what causes it but the pain seems to remain all day when sitting and standing but then sometimes its not there.

    Some experiences that seem to affect it but not all the time are:
    • pullups, tensing abdominals and blowing my nose.
    • walking while holding objects.
    • sometimes running (incline).
    • and leg focused exercises which I have stopped doing since april to try heal my adductor (deadlifts, lunges, squats).

    Adductor: this problem seem to have gotten worse upon either doing heavier squats or frequently moving my legs with a high intensity interval program I found.
    One problem I seem to be able to produce inside my right groin is clicking sounds when I turn my leg outwards and I'm not sure if its related to the strain? These problems never hurt at the same time for instance if my back is annoying me I can squat down to alleviate the pain which goes to my adductor area.

    March this year I went to the doctors who suggested I might have a hip impingement (FAI) but an MRI found nothing except a mild CAM deformity.
    I was then sent to a physio who diagnosed my groin problem as an adductor strain and maybe a pinched nerve in my SI area. Since then I have stopped doing leg exercises and limited running to once a week while following recovery plans and there seems doesn't seem to be any improvement. I have also stopped seeing the physio due to financial constraints since may.
    Are the problems suggested by the physio likely the cause or could It be something else? I've searched for multiple causes, tried various stretches, foam rolling and prescription pain killers and nothing really seems be the solution.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this post.
    Hi Wilfred,

    I suggest that you have a Right Sacroiliac problem and probably some lower back involvement. As you have obviously realised.

    This will give you local pain plus referred pain into the groin and medial aspect of the upper thigh. It will eventually radiate into the posterior calf and then into the right foot. The problem may eventually radiate into the Left side of the lower back and then as described re the right side and leg.

    Treatment should range from mobilisation of the S/I and gluteals. Manipulation is an important part of lower back treatment. Treatment should also include electrotherapy such as TENS, Ultra Sound and Laser.
    You, are the key to good results. Avoid full flexion of the lower back and hips or you will be stretching the affected area too much. Avoid stretching techniques that hurt. Pain is a sign of further damage to the soft tissues of the area. Don't do it.
    So think about what you do. IF IT HURTS DON'T DO IT. Good luck. Tony Woodall.

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    Re: Adductor strain and lower back pain

    Thanks Tony, appreciate the response. I plan on going back to the physio again.

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    Re: Adductor strain and lower back pain

    I thought I would post a quick update for anyone who visits this page. I was advised to get a CT scan on my lower back where it has now been confirmed that I have a disc protrusion (herniated disc) on the right side between my L5/S1 and am now getting the right treatment.

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