I've been using computers for about 30 years, not only that but I've played a lot of games using keyboard/mouse/controllers. A few years ago I started to get wrist pain which abated if I severely lessened my PC use and stopped playing games.
Now I'm finding that it's all too easy to trigger pain in my wrists, and along the edge of my forearms (the part related to the Ulnar Nerve), during any intense keyboard/mouse activity (too much typing) or even just using a games controller for 10 minutes or so. I've even experience mild numbness and tingling in my little fingers and the finger next to it (so that points to inflammation near the Ulnar Nerve). I don't rest my elbows on arm rests (but up until about two years ago I used to).
I've adjusted my seating posture, desk, used ergonomic mice (vertical ones too), good quality games controllers, etc.
A few days ago, after a long period of abstinence from games playing, I decided to try out a game on my console. Sure enough, within about 20 minutes my upper forearms were aching and the little fingers and finger next to them were feeling slightly numb and tingling. It's eased a bit now and I know it will completely abate over the next few days if I avoid playing any games or doing too much typing or mouse use. However, I find this incredibly frustrating as I love playing games. Even moderate typing/mouse use s setting things off.
I've seen a physiotherapist about this, I've had manipulation of my arms, hands, etc - this tends to help but afterwards it's far too easy to trigger off the problem again. I've seen my doctor - the solution is of course to avoid what causes me problems! But I don't want to avoid those things ...........
What I've also found is it's not the position of my arms that's the problem, it's the repetitive nature of certain actions (hence the term RSI of course). So if I hold the controller in the normal position but don't do anything then my wrists and arms are of course fine, however once I start to use the left thumbstick and the right buttons, then the problems start.
I'm kind of at a loss what to do. Yes, I can stop playing games and that helps, but I refuse to believe that there isn't a solution to this infuriating and moderately painful problem.
Would ice packs help? Or heat pads? For medical reasons I can't take anti-inflammatory drugs.
Perhaps in the near future somebody will come up with a brain-controlled keyboard/mouse/games controller. :-)
Should I even be asking this here? Maybe there is a more apt subreddit for this type of problem?
Edit: I should also add that I find it all too easy to cause wrist pain if doing, for example, any combined wrist twisting/lifting (or pulling) of anything particularly heavy. For example, a few days ago I went to open a door with one of those automatic closing brackets at the top and it was adjusted to make the door feel very stuff and heavy - I opened it with my wrist at a slightly award angle and it was very painful, far more than it would have been had I not had my ongoing problems.
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